
The samples presented on this site are samples collected during oceanographic cruises by the IFREMER teams and/or with IFREMER means and/or stored in the IFREMER repository.

These marine samples (geological and biological) and related analyses are stored in the BIology and GeOlogy Ocean Database (BIGOOD) managed by the SISMER (Scientific Information Systems for the Sea) team. This database contains the following information:

  • Sampling operations : Position (latitude, longitude), Equipment (dredge, corer, grab…)
  • Descriptions of samples
  • Samples storage : physical location and movements (transfers, loans).
  • Related analysis: chemistry, granulometry (Folk, laser), stratigraphy, lithology, measurements by Multi-Sensor Core Logger

This dabatase is populated by the scientists in the lab or in the repository using a graphical interface connected to the BIGOOD database: Archimede software. This software allows the management of the samples metadata, the sample physical locations, the generation of labels, the tracking of sample movements (transfers, loans...).

This database is closely related to the catalogue of French oceanographic cruises.

A geoviewer is provided to display all the samples stored in the BIGOOD database and to make filters and selections. An online help is available to help you to use this geoviewer.